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Why is my document not visible on the website?#

There can be many reasons to why your document is not visible on the website.

  1. You haven't yet deployed your website. To see how to do this click here;

  2. The document changes haven't been published yet. Go to the document and if you see the Publish button is green, click on it to publish your changes;


    You can also use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + P to publish the document

  3. If the problem is not one of those above maybe it is because you haven't added the document to a Website section.

    For example: if you've created an Event, you also need to add it to the Events Section in the Homepage for it to be displayed on the website. Click here to see how to do this.

    The same goes for the Resource Articles, Resource Files, Contacts, etc;

Why can't I publish my document?#

If your document has one or more validation errors, the backoffice won't let you publish it. Click here to read how validations work. After you provide all the information needed and correct all the issues, the errors will disappear and you should be able to publish your document.

Why can't I reference the document I just created?#

Your document probably isn't published as only published documents can be referenced by others.